Dienstag, 3. April 2007

The Net Promoter Score & why it is important for your Business

A lot of studies have shown, that what people say and think about your brand & company is directly related to the profit and sales your company makes. If people are talking negative word mouth about your brand, it is likely that your profits will be affected negative by that. If they talk positive about you, this will also be reflected in your sales.

There is a more or less new metric that explains this interesting Correlation, take a look at the Net Promoter Score by Fred Reichheld and Paul Marsdens Articles on Seed to Spread and Advocacy drives growth.

Some may argue – is that really true, do I really have to care what my customers think, can’t I just do my marketing and tell my customers what to think about my company and brand…?
Maybe this was true 60 or 70 years ago but since Web 2.0 the time has changed, people are connected now through tools like Blogs, Forums, Websites… and produce more marketing themselves then a company can do, this term is called Consumer Generated Media
and it will play a leading role in future marketing.

1 Kommentar:

Amy Madsen hat gesagt…

Hi Mathias. Thanks for your interesting blog. If any of your readers are interested in more information on Net Promoter or Fred Reichheld, there is the official Net Promoter website, and also a blog by Fred. Please see the links below:
