Montag, 30. April 2007

The Dont`s of Blogging in General

And here are the Don`ts - what not to do with Blogs or Bloggers...

Get drawn into a fight, especially if a blog contains information that makes you unhappy, nervous or angry. Do your best to respond with the truth, both on the blog and on your company’s Web site.

Alienate the blogging universe with unfounded criticism or slams.

Lie about who you are or post a “fake” blog that’s intended to serve as an advertising or marketing vehicle. You’ll be shot down almost as soon as you click on the “publish” or “post comment” link.

Be anonymous or pretend to be someone you’re not. They’ll find you out.

Use “seeding,” which is the practice where people who really don’t have a passion for your company, brand or issue are hired to promote it nonetheless. These seeding individuals and firms are paid to post comments or conversations on blogs and aren’t transparent about it.

Get wordy. Most blog posts are short on words and heavy with lots of links to other content.

Post a comment that sounds like an advertisement. If you’re engaging as a representative of your company or agency, identify yourself as such, offer to help or answer questions, and include links to Web sites, FAQ’s or other simple resources.

For more informations take a look at the Intelliseek / Nielsen Buzz Metrics site and their studies...

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