Basic Advertising principles say – if you want to get the right people, you have to give them the right message and appeal to their values to get committed in whatever idea you are presenting to them.
For AEGEE this means – depending on which student groups you have as target groups, you have to use different messages to get them interested in joining and participating in this Student Organisation.
This means in practise:
- IT Students- appeal to their value of getting experience in the field of IT, having the opportunity to manage the IT Systems & Websites of the AEGEE local and meeting different people
- Business Students – opportunity to use and shape their skills in AEGEE projects, Networking with interesting people and preparing for their future career
- Politic Students – opportunity to experience European Identity, talk about politics, work on international relations
- Tourisms Studies – opportunity to travel, experience different cultures, getting to know different people from all over Europe
- Advanced students – opportunity to use their skills in practise (this is a general thing), teach other people – getting the skills as trainers, getting involved in seminars to get more experience and skills
- …
I think every AEGEE local should know about that fact to make their advertising more efficient and to appeal to the values of the students they are targeting.
1 Kommentar:
Hi Matthias
I'm Mickey, we've met in february 2005 in Fribourg (CH) at that AEGEE event.
I'm glad that you still like AEGEE, and I've started reading your blog and there's some nice comments.
anyway, I'm also still in AEGEE, maybe we will meet in an event soon in future. Why don't u come to next Agora?
You're a member of AEGEE-Leipzig if I'm not wrong, isn't it?
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