Dienstag, 6. März 2007

PR – the Art of getting Public Relations for free

I just read an interesting article about “Buzzworthy PR” in Connected Marketing. The author writes about the combination of PR and Word of mouth - the main idea of PR is not only free media exposure but also to get people talking positive about your brand.

If you are skilled in PR and Buzz marketing you can tailor the core messages of your brand in such a way, that people talk about it.

Graham Goodkind the author of this chapter writes:

“…what can you do as part of your marketing communications that will have at its core something that will spread through the media, get them excited and in turn have the power to break into the subject matter of the daily chitchat in the pub or around the water cooler? Doing this also forces you to go through some of the thought process needed to create a positive buzz dynamically and proactively for a brand, product or service…..”

What does this mean?

This means that PR can be a very powerful tool for companies and NGOs like AEGEE to get people talking about the brand, without having to pay for it.

If you want to know, why word of mouth (People talking positive about your brand) is so effective, check out the Article about “Net Promoter Score” in Harvard Business Manager and Dr. Paul Marsdens Article about Advocacy drives growth.

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