Dienstag, 6. März 2007

Connected Marketing - 2 chapters for free

Since I have gotten into the topic of Word of Mouth and Viral Marketing (in Germany they are more or less the same, cause Word of Mouth means translated Mundpropaganda - which doesn’t sound as good as Viral Marketing), I have read a lot of books about the topic.

One of the Books I really can recommend (yes - I`m doing word of mouth now), is the book Connected Marketing by Paul Marsden and Justin Kirby.

Now I found 2 free chapters for the book - so, those of you who want to get into the topic, you can read these chapters: "Seed to spread" by Dr. Paul Marsden and a chapter about "
Creating Brand Advocates" by the CEO of Icemedia.

They also have some interesting Podcasts with some of the authors on their site.

I think they are quite useful - Enjoy.

1 Kommentar:

Mathias Kraft hat gesagt…

Hey Justin,

thanks for the comment.

Although I`m Mathias - not Martin ;-> (but maybe you mean Martin Oetting from connetedmarketing.de), I have to say your book is great source of information.

I will submit my ideas to the survey,
