Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007

Brand Management in the Year 2007 and the years to come

I`m just listened to one of the Werbeblogger Podcasts about Brand Management. Werbeblogger is a German Blogger Team that blogs frequently about Advertising, Brand Management, Web 2.0… - each week they also release some Podcasts, which cover different topics from “Marketing in Second Life” to “effective PR” and this time “Brand Management for the next Generation”.

The guest they interview in the Podcast is Bernd M. Michael, a famous German Brand Manager who has worked in the field for over 30 years and has build famous brands like “Mars” and “Visa”.

He has some good topics to cover:
- the future and emerging trends in Brand Management
- how to differentiate your brand from the other 50.000 brands on the market
- how can you combine “new” (like Blogs, Social Networks, Second Life, Ambient Media…) and “traditional” (TV, radio, posters…) media forms together – which means which channel to you have to use to target your customers most efficiently
- managing and building international brands – for example – what to you have know to build / expand your brand in China or Saudi Arabia (this is big topic but he has some good insights)
- the importance of associating your brand in the mind of the customer (in NLP we call that anchoring or liking feelings / associations / images to a certain stimulus) – he gives some insights into Soundbranding

All in all the Podcasts are quite interesting, sometimes a little to polarising, but they still give valuable insights. So if you speak German – take a look at Werbeblogger Podcast Site.

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